I Compulsory courses: European Studies essentials (30 CP)

  • History of European Integration
  • EU Law
  • European Policy and Governance
  • Lobbying and Transparency
  • European Economics
  • Global Challenges and the Future of the EU
History of European Integration 2024/25
Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

European Policy and Governance 2024/25

Compulsory course in the MPA European

EU Law 2024/25

Compulsory courses in the MPA European Studies

European Economics 2024/25
Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies
Global Challenges and the Future of the EU 2024/25

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

Lobbying and Transparency 2024/25

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

History of European Integration 2023/24

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

European Policy and Governance 2023/24

Compulsory course in the MPA European studies 

EU Law 2023/24

Compulsory courses in the MPA European Studies

European Economics 2023/24

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies
Global Challenges and the Future of the EU 2023/24

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

Lobbying and Transparency 2023/24

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

Lobbying and Transparency 2022/23

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

EU Law 2022/23

Compulsory courses in the MPA European Studies 2022/23

European Policy and Governance 2022/23

Compulsory course in the MPA European studies 

European Economics 2022/23

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

Global Challenges and the Future of the EU 2022/23

Compulsory course in the MPA European Studies

History of European Integration 2022

These courses are compulsory modules that will be offered in the winter ...